
HistoMark® BLACK Peroxidase Substrate Kit

Material Number 5510-0034
Size 1000 slides
Inventory Status Backorder: Available Soon
Unit EA

Metal-enhanced DAB technology permits detection of extremely low concentrations of tissue antigens. This kit provides a sensitive means for detecting peroxidase labeled antibodies and conjugates. KPL HistoMark Black contains cobalt-enhanced DAB that produces a black, cobalt- DAB polymer with a signal 5-10 times more sensitive than DAB alone.

The kit contains the nuclear counterstain, KPL Contrast GREEN, a solution of methyl green that contrasts sharply with black. Blocking solution is provided to prevent endogenous peroxidase activity. The precipitates from KPL HistoMark Black are alcohol and xylene insoluble, allowing the section to be mounted in aqueous or xylene-based mounting media. Kit contents include KPL Enhance Black Buffer, KPL DAB Solution, KPL Peroxide Solution, KPL Blocking Solution Concentrate, and KPL Contrast GREEN Solution.

Reference number: 54-75-00.


Doc type
Certificate of Analysis
Lot #

KPL Histomark Black HRP Substrate

Doc type
Safety Data Sheet

KPL HistoMark BLACK for Localization of Horseradish Peroxidase-Labeled Reagents

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Package Insert

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Application Note