
HistoMark® Biotin-Streptavidin Peroxidase Kit, Mouse Primary Antibody

Material Number 5520-0023
Size 500 slides
Inventory Status In Stock
Unit EA

KPL HistoMark Biotin Streptavidin-HRP Systems provide rapid, precise localization of cell surface and intracellular antigens in frozen or paraffin-embedded tissue, cytospins, and touch preparations. These systems also facilitate double or triple labeling experiments, as detection can be performed simultaneously with primary antibodies of different animal species Streptavidin demonstrates less non-specific binding than avidin. Biotinylated anti-mouse antibody is human serum adsorbed to minimize cross-reactivity.

Reference number: 71-00-18.

KPL HistoMark Streptavidin-HRP System Mouse Primary Antibody

Doc type
Certificate of Analysis
Lot #

KPL HistoMark Biotin Streptavidin-HRP Systems

Doc type
Package Insert

KPL HistoMark Streptavidin-HRP System Mouse Primary Antibody

Doc type
Certificate of Analysis
Lot #